- April 16, 2023 - 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
About Donna Apidone
Some time in the middle of her 20+ years as Morning Edition host on NPR affiliates, Donna Apidone grasped the true Purpose of her job: Connect with people and guide them through their routine. Talk to one person at a time. Create an environment that combines information and encouragement.
For most of her life, Donna Apidone has entertained audiences in media and in person. She writes and produces content for national outlets including “America’s Heartland” and NextAvenue.org. Her long-running series of author interviews captivated audiences and received rave reviews from best-selling writers.
Donna speaks to community groups and teaches classes on finding Purpose. Her talks are rooted in persuasion theory, a process she has taught nationwide.
Donna is author of Drive-Time Meditations and TransForMission (both on Amazon). Her meditations are in a package of classroom tools distributed by Cour Experience.
She was ordained in New York City in 2009. Donna lives in northern California.