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Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night January 6 Social Hour 5 p.m. -  6:30 p.m. Concert  and Improv 6:30 p.m. Pot Luck Appetizers and Deserts. On this Twelfth Day of Christmas our UATL community will join together to enjoy a potluck of appetizers, deserts and Wassail (a traditional 12th day of Christmas beverage). Followed by a music concert and Improv. TwelfthNight is a Christian holiday, which marks the twelfth and final night of the Christmas season and the coming of Epiphany. During the Middle Ages, Christmas was a time of continuous feasting and merriment, which climaxed on Twelfth Night. Popular Twelfth Night customs include singing Christmas carols, having one's house blessed, merrymaking, as well as attending church services. Food and drink are central in the celebrations of this holiday. The punch, called wassail, is consumed during Christmastime, but especially on Twelfth Night.